Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Considering my options...
Frankly, I feel like I am able to share a lot of info with everyone on Facebook all at once and I see you all and keep up with you all there. It's weird that this feel redundant in some way.
However, I am not tied to the idea of doing away with the blog, so therefore I am not deleting it just yet.
We'll let it remain in limbo for a while and see where we wind up. I'll try to listen to what the Holy Spirit prompts me to do.
Until then, you know where to find me!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What can I tell you?
1. LC and DJ were given an opportunity to live in an apartment in a dorm at the private school LC coaches volleyball. Since LC's parents have just moved in with LC and DJ into the house they (the parents) bought, it's good timing. LC is going to be the equivalent of a dorm parent, I guess, and DJ gets to live there since he's her husband. I think it would be a bit odd for many of us at this age (single or married), but not for them. It's a really a great opportunity for them to save money and open the door to more possibilities for LC at this school in the future.
2. Caroline's 3rd son, Gavin Scott, was baptized on Sunday. Michelle is his godmother and Caroline's brother is his godfather. Six other babies were baptized along with Gavin, so it was quite a scene at the church. Caroline's parish offers the option of full immersion into the baptismal font and she did that with all her boys. Let me tell you, the babies who are fully immersed (instead of just having their heads sprinkled with holy water) get much louder applause and many more "oohs" and "ahhs." I think it's just because everyone loves hearing a naked little baby squeal in shock as his little bum hits the water.
3. Almost 2 months ago I started taking a new train to work that's only 3.5 miles from my house and every aspect of my entire life has changed for the better. That may sound extreme, but I assure you it's 100% true. I'd be hard pressed to try to express why this is the case in words, but please just believe me when I tell you it's true. It has a lot to do with the shortness of the car ride and getting off the train and literally already being "home."
4. I am a lousy American. I have not watched a single minute of the Olympics and nor do I want to. It does make me happy to see so many people so excited about it and that they are exhausted because they stay up late to see as much as they can. It's cute. I'm just not one of those people. I did watch the opening ceremonies but that's because I was with a big group of people and we got to eat Chinese food.
That's the latest here. There will be more excitement in Septmember. Omar comes the Friday before Labor day (just for lunch), Judy is coming for a weekend, Michelle and I may see Paula Deen in person, and Matt is taking me to a wedding!
Friday, August 08, 2008
I got sucked in...
Then I got a message from a gal I went to elementary and middle school with asking me if I was me and we became "friends" (she moved away when we were in middle school or high school, but not too far away. She now lives in MA)
Then Stephanie found me and we became friends. Then I decided to see who else is on there and found T bird, and Judy, and people I see all the time and people I hardly ever see. I found LC's husband and her good friend from high school. I found an old co-worker named Janet I was close to.
There's a lot of people on there. I even found the great love of my 20s. I feel like too much time has passed between us to ask him to now be my "friend" again, but, it's nice to know he's out there...
So, anyone who knows me knows I hate too much of my life being on public display (why my blog has not many defining details of who I am nor too many readers!). I like that only my approved folks can see me and my stuff. I deleted by very old Friendster account (Omar had roped me into that a million years ago) and now I'm all Facebook!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
It "pays" to be honest...
I decided to stop in the Starbucks near my office (1 of 2 within 6 blocks, mind you!) and get an iced coffee. The fellow who rang me up told me my total was $2.78. I gave him a $5 bill. I saw on the cash register that my change should be $2.22.
The fellow gave me back $2.78 from my $5 bill. It's a very honest mistake considering he had just said $2.78 out loud when he told me what I owed him. When he handed me the money I held onto the 2 dollar bills and gave him back the change and politely and quietly let him know I should have only gotten 22 cents instead of 78. I purposely kept it light and quiet since, as both an employee and a boss, I know that mistakes happen and this one was not a big deal and easy to correct. He handed me back a quarter and thanked me and told me not to worry about the 3 cents.
Then I moved down the counter away from the cash registers to the area where they give you your drink. A minute later another fellow said, "I have a Venti Vanilla iced coffee." I stepped up to receive my drink and he handed me a card along with my drink and said, "I want to thank you for your honesty--your next drink is on us."
When we are all willing to work together as a larger team, even in a small blip of an event like this, I continue to have hope.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Who cares?
It makes me sad. Folks can say a lot of things about me, because I am far from perfect, believe me, but one thing that I am is a listener. More important than just listening is that I then remember what people say to me. They go hand in hand really, because if you are truly, actively listening to what another human being is saying to you, you will remember it when they cross your mind or you see them later.
Maybe it strikes me as a sad indicator of where our society is headed today because it’s one thing (maybe one of the very few things) that I do very well and it's something at which so many others are poor. Maybe I’m especially sensitive because several people (not just one, so don't assume this is "you") have “forgotten” me and what's important in my life several times very recently. I have had people make sure they remember to tell me blow by blow details of the smallest things in their lives that I have remembered to follow-up with them on and ask them about and genuinely care about it and meanwhile big events in my own life have been forgotten and/or never asked about.
I think it's a sign of how self absorbed we all are.
Now, OK, admittedly I am a single woman with no children, I have a solid job that I am blessed to enjoy, a safe home, and new car. I have two healthy parents who I have a good relationship with and like. I realize that I may be in a better position to “remember” what’s going on in the lives of others because I am blessed enough to not have a lot of hard times weighing on me at present, praise Jesus. One could argue he or she has too many other things weighing them down to remember me and my life and maybe I’m being self absorbed. And to that I might say OK, I hear you and understand (for a finite period of time, at least!). What about people in the same boat as me without a lot weighing them down that still can’t be bothered? What’s their excuse?
I’m not trying to be a cry baby here (although I know I sure sound like one!). I am trying to figure out in my mind how you make something like this improve on a large scale instead of just standing by and watching it become worse and worse. You know that I personally have no problem with telling people when they have disappointed me and I do so. But what about all of the other disappointed people who won’t speak up for whatever reason? What about the people who don’t take the time to care about others and invest in what’s important to them—will they ever be able to truly share their lives, their homes, their dreams with another person? Is man actually able to be “an island” after all?
Is selfishness another reason why relationships don’t work out today? Or has everyone always been self-absorbed and I’m just finally catching on?
I think it stinks. And I don’t like it. Despite the fact that I am disappointed by those closest to me in addition to everyone else I know from time to time, I will persevere, and I will not stop caring and listening and asking and following up. I won’t change that part of me.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The people we are supposed to know...

Friday, May 30, 2008
Welcome the new arrival!

I am the proud "mother" of a Borrego Beige Metallic 2008 Honda Civic LX.
The new little one was driven home on Memorial Day and has been getting lots of attention from mommy and many passers by on the street ever since. Lots of shout outs on the street she gets!
I saw this color Civic parked in a Visitor's spot in my development and fell in love on sight. The color I wanted was never in question after I saw this. In person, it has much more personality than "gold," although that's the general color I say the car is. The color is only available in a couple of the models of Civics, so I won't see my twin everywhere either.
Omar wants me to name the car Paula, for Paula Deen, whom he loves. I laughed because she does love butter and the car is gold, but I don't know. Jarred is opposed to it because he thinks Paula Deen is annoying (for shame!)
I had an easier go of things when I got my other Civic in 2002 (oh yes, this is my 14th year of Honda Civic driving, my friends!). Caroline lost count and thought this might be the 4th Civic, but it's only the 3rd. (I just drive them for a lot of years each!)
In 2002, as I pulled out of the dealer's lot with my new Civic that day I bought it, I turned on the radio and a country station was on (I don't listen to much country music on the regular) and the song that was playing was "Fancy" by Reba McIntyre. Well, anyone who knew me in my karaoke days knows that that was my best song--and thus, the car was named Fancy. I actually used to like to say she named herself!
We'll see what we wind up naming this new little number--Maybe naming it "Deen" could be a compromise?