Friday, July 20, 2007

Rejection stinks!

A lot of times when we think of rejection we think of being rejected by a boyfriend or girlfriend (or someone we wish was our boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/etc). You know, the whole jilted lover thing...

Not being a huge risk taker I haven’t experienced huge amounts of rejection in that area (but, not being a risk taker I also haven’t experienced the highest of highs of love either…we’ll need to discuss that some time too, add it to my growing list of topics!).

I can tell you, however, that I was rejected twice in the course of 8 days by two different people. I would classify both of these people as friends. One was a former very close friend who I only recently reestablished contact with after over a year of no communication and the other was someone who I would classify as a close acquaintance.

In both cases I was very blatantly rejected and made to feel like dirt (not purposefully I am sure, but I felt that way nonetheless). I was essentially told, in different ways, that these people didn’t want to be around me or speak to me because they didn’t feel good about it (in one case) or wouldn’t want to hear what I might or might not have to say (in the other).

Can I tell you something? 1. I am not used to being treated that way or feeling that way, and I didn’t like it one bit. 2. It really made me want to look at myself and think about what about me made them respond that way. What do I need to work on inside myself to make not only these people, but everyone, feel more loved?

Rejection hurts. But in this case it’s giving me an opportunity to pray more for the hurt places inside these two people that are obviously there and to pray for the hurt places inside me that might not be giving these people what they need from me.

And if I can become better from this, I mean really and truly a better person, then I can take a little bit of rejection (emphasis on little bit!!)

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