Friday, July 06, 2007

Overwhelmed, in a good way

Wow, I just really don't know where to begin today. I am feeling very overwhelmed by life right now, but in a good way.

For a while now, I have had so many emotions floating right at the surface (for those of you who know me the question is more likely, when haven't my emotions been right at the surface?). I'm laughing, I'm crying, I'm really living this life that God has given me, and it feels good and feels right.

Perhaps sometimes when you really start living life more to the full that you see that you may have gone through a period of time where you didn't. I think that's definitely true in my case.

My friend Wyndee needs to have a little surgery soon. I have offered to take a day off from work when the time comes to do whatever she might need of me (in my larger effort to more properly take care of others), but I don't know if she is going to take me up on the offer. I hope she does.

I am going to visit Jarred for the day tomorrow. I really feel like I need to physically be there with him in order to properly assess what's going on. Things have not panned out exactly as we had hoped, but when in life do they? I have to see his face and walk in his apartment and see the things that he sees on the day to day. And then and only then can we sit down and discuss what comes next.

I'm watching a person I love develop a romantic relationship he's in into something really meaningful and it fills my heart in a way that I can't describe because it's something that I have spent much time on my knees in prayer about and now I get to see what my answered prayer looks like (well, I guess I don't technically know what the answered prayer looks like since I haven't met his lady yet, but...). What a blessing that is!

God, the giver of all good things, keeps on giving me opportunities for greatness. I just have to be willing to take them when they are offered. Work is required, but the reward can't be beat!

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