Thursday, August 17, 2006

What do people see when they see you?

Yesterday, I was walking down the aisle at work and one of my coworkers stopped me and asked me if I would like a bookmark. She told me that a woman handed it to her on the train and after she took it from the woman she thought that I might like to have it. The bookmark has a picture of a cross made out of spikes and it has a bible verse. The bible verse is a very well-known, even to the most nominal Christian (or football fan for that matter since people seem to always hold up signs with this chapter and verse on it at most stadium events!). It reads:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I said sure and thanked her and walked back to my office. Then I thought about what had just happened and it struck me. Here’s why.

1. The woman who gave me the bookmark is herself a Catholic. I was surprised why she wouldn’t just keep the bookmark for herself. It then really made me realize for what may be one of the first times since my “reversion” that even if someone really believes what John 3:16 proclaims that many people just aren’t comfortable sharing that or showing that that is what they believe.
2. It made me see how other people see me. I am viewed as a “religious person.” How “religious person” is defined will vary depending on who you ask. Some people would shirk at the idea of being seen in that way. I can see why folks might not want to be seen that way. Let me explain (I’ll continue below).

Most people would be fearful of being seen as “religious” because the stigma would be that they must be corny or a loser. I stopped caring who thinks I’m corny or a loser a number of years back. I think twice when I realize I am seen as “religious” because I am now being held to a higher standard. I am being watched. My actions are judged. How does the “religious” lady behave? How does she treat her employees? Is she always nice?

I am not always nice. I sometimes lose my patience at work. I am a human being.

I keep trying each day to be better than I was the day before. I keep trying to allow Christ to shine through me when others interact with me. I am a child of God.

Lord, please allow me to continue to try to be more like you each day. I know that I will fall short but I know that you will make up the difference when I do. I love you.

1 comment:

CatholicLady said...

What you are saying does make sense. It's interesting to look at it from the other angle...

It's also interesting to think about how being perceived as being religious might get us looks of approval or get us extra respect in some venues (even if we don't deserve it, God made us all the same after all, no matter how we live or who we are) but that to some in society actually living a religious life is seen as not really "living," so to speak, and therefore sometimes gets less respect.

Someone may read this and think the moral of the story that nobody wins. Really, I think it's that we all need to live the best life we know how to live, wherever we are in our journey.