Thursday, February 21, 2008

I got tagged...

I got tagged for a meme by Trubador.

I don’t even know 6 other bloggers to tag next since I’m such a little “island” in my own little blogging world over here, but, I’ll at least do what I can do!

The rules for this meme: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules of the meme on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

My responses

(1) I am linked to Trubador!
(2) The rules of this meme are above.
(3) Here are the six random non-important facts about me:

1. I am a video game lover from way back. I have owned many different video game systems in my life. I think my father got me into them since he had no son—he used to take me to arcades when I was little. John and I used to go play Virtua Fighter (the original one!) when it very first came out at the student center back when he was the most important thing in my life. I owned a Sega Dreamcast during/after I was dating Eric. It’s weird that as I type this I link the video games to different men in my life. Hmmm. Maybe a psychologist could diagnose that.

2. I still speak to at least 3 people that I have known since kindergarten on a regular basis (Jarred, Caroline, and Omar). That’s a lot of years, people.

3. I am completely and utterly embarrassed to admit that Comcast On Demand and my DVR have changed by life—for the better!

4. It’s incredibly hard for me to even think of 6 things about me that everyone doesn’t already know since I’m such an open book and will tell anyone and everyone everything about me. Maybe the psychologist could also diagnose that.

5. I have prayed every night since I was 4 years old for patience (it was my mother’s idea for me to start doing so when I was 4—I can’t imagine how impatient I was back then, but I must have been for my mom to suggest I add the request to my nightly prayers at age 4). A million years later, and I still don’t have a lot of patience. God is still making up his mind on this one, I guess (or really, he wants me to “learn” patience is more like it!)

6. I literally never have nightmares. My dreams are never scary. My dreams are always really normal and realistic, like it’s an extension of my daily life. I hope that continues--no nightmares please!

OK, I have no one else to link to, so this extension of the meme dies here, I guess!

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