Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The ideal way to greet a person...

I met my friend John for coffee last night near our homes. I hadn't seen John in about a year and half and the visit was long overdue, especially for people who don't live very far away from one another (he lives in the town next to me!)

I walked into the Starbuicks and John was already there, getting his drink at the counter. He turned around and looked at me and proceeded to greet me in the same manner that he greets me every time he sees me, nice and loud:


Now, if that's not the way to make somebody feel like a million bucks, I don't know what is. John is a person who truly makes me feel like I am beautful (and funny and smart and amazing) every single time I am in his presence.

He makes me feel the way I think God sees me. It's really a very special gift that John has and I know that others who know him would agree with me.

It made me think--I don't do enough of that. I think it's because I am a person who often has difficulty receiving compliments; however, just because I have a hard time receiving compliments doesn't mean that everyone is, and I need to do a better job.

It's weird, because I tell people I love them all the time (and I mean it) and I think I am able to very clearly "show" people I love them in my actions, but when I'm with someone I love (or like) and I think they look great or said something clever, I usually just think it in my head and I don't verbalize it and that stinks.

I am going to work on this effective immediately. The key is to work on it in a very genuine fashion and not in a phony way where I start throwing around compliments left and right just because I feel like I should.

Sigh. My work really is never done, is it?

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