Friday, February 02, 2007

Random odds and ends, part 6

I am now a certified youth minister (certified by my diocese), which means I have an answer to give if a parent ever asks me what makes me "qualified" to teach their teens anything about God or the Catholic faith or spend time with their teens. I now have what the diocese calls a basic skill certification and am also getting certified in True Love Waits (which is a Catholic chastity program for teens, I'll be certified to teach that program too). But the nice thing is that from here I can go on to get a more intense youth ministry certification as well, if I choose to. I may take some more classes over time--it's a great thing to have in my pocket (ie, if I ever want to change careers some day and find a parish that pays to have full time youth minister). My parish is paying for the classes, so it's a gift I should take full advantage of.

E turned 30 yesterday. He always takes off on his birthday. My mom wondered if he was taking off so he could try to see his shadow. I got a kick out that, but it would have been funnier if his birthday was today. He thinks it's absurd that (most years) I actually come to work on my birthday. I know a lot of people that feel the way he does. If it makes them happy, I say take the day off and enjoy! My mom turns 60 on Sunday ("I'm exactly twice E's age!" mom pointed out).

Staying with the theme of YOP (Year of Positivity), I have been trying to pinpoint a hopeful story each day, a story of people doing good or something that reminds us of what we are capable of. It's been making the work day brighter for me this past week, so I plan on sharing some of those with you too as time goes by, so stay tuned!

Happy Groundhog's Day everyone :) most especially to Trish in Ohio--this has always been her favorite holiday. Thanks for the Groundhog's day card T!

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