Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Random odds and ends (part 4)

I am a busy bee at work while I am trying to take care of as much as possible with the rest of my staff before E and I head to Chicago. Part of that is because right after the Chicago trip I have a day of rest and then I am heading to LC and DJs. On top of it, trying to motivate E to think about what he wants to do during our down time in Chicago is no easy task. He's far more laid back than I am.

While visiting LC and Darryl, LC is taking me to a Yankees game. It will be my first Yankees game ever. LC, on the other hand, is a die-hard fan. She has had season ticket packages for a number of years, although, as we get older and our responsibilities have become greater, she has subsequently gotten ticket packages for fewer total numbers of games. LC has already informed me that she never leaves games early (I tend to get bored easily) and that since it’s now Fall it likely will not be too warm sitting there all that time so I should be fine (she knows I despise being hot). This lady knows me very well. The upside is that LC is willing to talk during baseball games, so I won’t have to sit quietly. It will actually be great alone time for us to sit and catch up on everything we have going on with no Darryl (and that’s no offense to Darryl at all, but it’s nice to have “girl time!”)

LCs sister Robin also just gave birth to her second daughter on Sept 12 (the same day as Britney Spears’ new baby!), so I will get to meet the baby while she is still “brand new!”

I’d like to ask for everyone to keep Linda in prayer as she begins to look for a new job. She recently resigned from her current job, which offered her a pretty bad work environment where communication was low on everyone’s priority list, unfortunately. We also should pray for Jarred, who is on the verge of being diagnosed with strep throat for the third time in a relatively short period of time. If it is indeed strep, the doctor said they will want to take out his tonsils.

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