Friday, September 08, 2006

Itsy bitsy spider...

You know what I realized, dear readers? No offense, but I’m not doing this blog thing for any of you. I’m doing this for me and the Lord.

That said, I am back and I got great news that Jim’s mom is on the mend and that, in fact, her lung is in even better shape than it was when she first entered the hospital. Thank you for your prayers.

When Jim e-mailed me that good news, he also e-mailed me this experience he had with a spider the other day. I asked him if I could share it with you all and he said yes. It’s something to think about. So, in his own words, here we go:

I was sitting outside doing work since my computer was not working right and I had to do the work the old way of paper and pen. As I was sitting there working I saw this spider start to make his web. Every so often I would stop working and watch him make his web. It got to the point where I just stopped working and was just watching him and it was just so fascinating to watch and I thought how smart because he was making the web right by the light where the bugs were flying around. He finished up and the web was perfect. Then he took his spot in the middle. Ok so back to work I go.

But then a group of 3 pine needles fell into his web and he got scared and backed off, but went back to the center of the web... Then after a minute he slowly started to go down to where they landed and I thought howsad that his web was damaged and that he was stupid because I thought he was trying to spin a web around them thinking they were food but then I noticed that he was trying to get them off the web.

They were about 4 times his size but he kept working on them and moving them and then I saw him cut part of the web and after a bit they fell from the web and he went back to the center of the web and I was thinking “why are you not fixing the web you stupid bug. You have a couple of big holes in your web.” So again back to work because I was annoyed at the spider and was not going to give it any more attention.

Now I saw from the corner of my eye the spider going back to where the holes were and he was fixing them. He fixed them and the web looked great again and you couldn't really tell there were ever holes...

I learned something from this spider.... Life, to me, is made up of all connections and how each part of life is built on the life lived right before it. Just as each part of a web. But what got me was that when the pine needles fell in he took a bit of time, saw that they didn’t belong and got rid of them.

He had no problem doing it.... He didn't think and think about it... That is something that we should do with our lives. When we see that something really doesn't belong there anymore or it is causing problems we should go right to where the problem is, face it, and if need be cut it out of our life. It can be anything, maybe a habit that isn't good, a bad relationship, something that takes us from God, pulls us from our faith, whatever...

Then he didn't just fix the broken part of the web but first went back to the center and then fixed it. We need to do the same.. We need to go back and center ourselves after something or someone cause a problem or when we feel our life is broken. Go, center ourselves with God and crew . Then go and deal with what part of our life that is in need of repair. Just as the web could be fixed, so can our lives. We just have to center ourselves and then go to fix and heal what is needed.

You never know when you may learn a lesson about life but, as I found tonight, it doesn't always come from a book but by just living a life and not closing yourself off from it, lessons can be learned..


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What a wonderful reflection! Thank you! Trish

CatholicLady said...

Jim is going to feel great to know that so many people were able to identify with the spider story...I just admired the fact that he stared at that spider and was able to see the spider's actions as a parallel to us...It takes a village of us to really be able to help each other "see," I believe!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Just wanted to Thank You all for the prayers.... And I am glad that you al got something from the spider story.He is still hanging by my light... I say hey now and then...