Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Back to school time!

Here is a cute back-to-school picture of my very good friend that lives in Ohio--he's the son of my other very good friend Trish--both of whom you've read about before. He was very excited for the first day of school, as you can see!

I LOVE this time of year--when the heat starts to subside and it gets darker earlier. I love it!

I was wondering if any of you are familiar with downtown Chicago, and if so, if you could recommend a restaurant for E and I when we are there at the end of the month. I have been to Chicago a handful of times for business over the years, but never really in the actual "downtown" area. Let me know!


Anonymous said...

H, Same here Lori I love this time of year... Love walking to my car in the morning in the brisk air and sitting on my porch at night in the brisk air... I feel like September is a new start for me like my "New Year" vs January. Maybe its because I am a teacher and thats why... Say Hey to Oprah when you are there...

CatholicLady said...

Yay hot chocolate! Boo hot dorm rooms! If they had air conditioning in the dorm we would have had a near-perfect dorm living experience, I think!

I keep getting more and more excited for Fall as the days go by...Even though I'm not a teacher, I kind of see this time of year as a "new start" too. I think because I finally stop sweating! If I ever get married, you all better be ready to come to a January wedding!!