Thursday, March 08, 2007

The timing of things...

I just love the way things occur sometimes. I chalk it up to God revealing himself to us in small ways to let us know He hears us at all times, but others may just call it no more than crazy coincidence. We can debate that issue too, but that’s not the heart of my story. This is:

Yesterday, E and I were talking in my office and we were talking about rings. I wear a small crucifix ring almost every day. I wear it on the third finger of my left hand (hey, until God sends my husband, if there is one for me, I’m all God’s!). E was asking me why I don’t wear it on my pinkie finger and I said that men do that more often than women. He asked if it was an Italian thing and I said no, because Rob wears a crucifix ring on his pinkie and he is not Italian.

Now, Rob is a guy who works in sales for a print vendor my company used years ago, but no longer does. His company also provided service for the company E worked for became he came to work at my company two years ago, so we both know him, but from different times in our lives. Because Rob’s company no longer works for our company, we have no regular contact with him at all anymore and we haven’t seen him in months.

Imagine our surprise then when no more than 5 minutes after E and I talked about him, Rob walked around the corner and appeared in the doorway of my office. I was so shocked that my whole face lit up and I couldn’t stop smiling. Rob stopped by to see me—he was in the office because he was taking someone from another department that he’s still friendly with out for her birthday. I just love when things like that happen out of nowhere!

Another really lovely thing happened today when E and I were talking. He reminded me of who I want to be when I grow up. We were getting back to work and he said:

E: “Go back to what you do best.”
Me: “My job is the thing in this world I do best?”
E: “Not really. You’re great at your job but the two things you do best are take care of the people you care about and serve God.”
Me: “That’s the nicest thing someone has said to me in a while.”
E: “Well, it’s the truth.”
Me: “Thank you.”

I fully know that I still stink at least half the time, so I pray that may live up to that moment. I may be fair at those two things some of the time at different times. I pray that someday I can be good at those two things ALL the time and that it may be by those two things that I known. I’ve worked at my job for many years, but I would much rather be known as a beloved daughter of God than a skilled manager.

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