Friday, March 23, 2007

Random odds and ends, part 8

Work has been very busy, but not too busy—the perfect amount really.

Last week, Kathy, my dad, and I all went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for the day. None of us had been there in the better part of a decade, at least. Kathy works a 4-day week (10 hours a day), so she has off on every Wednesday. I am still trying to use the last of the carry-over 2006 vacation days (I will use the last ones next Friday and then again on Good Friday) so I took the day off, and my retired Dad is free all the time. We had a good time, it was great for all of us because we hadn’t been there in so long, and Kathy wanted to do something cultural.

Kathy is coming to my birthday dinner when Darryl and LC are in town next week, and so is Matty T. Even E is considering coming over to NJ, which is almost literally unheard of. We should have a nice time—anyone else interested should feel free to join us.

I heard from Mr. Mike Day for the first time in the better part of almost 3 full months last night. We had a nice long conversation and he seems to be on an upswing recently in terms of mood and life, which is always great to hear.

On a very sad note, Jim’s mother passed away on Sunday. Please keep both Jim and his mother in your prayers. As I had also reported recently, Jim lost his brother about a month ago, so it has been an especially difficult time for Jim and his family recently. Jim and I discussed it on Monday night and he wondered how anyone who doesn’t have any concept of God could get through something like this. I agree 100%. Without faith in the Lord and what He offers us, I think it would be impossible to cope with such devastating loss.

Hope you all are well. Have a great weekend.

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