Friday, December 29, 2006

How was this year different than last year?

Was it really any different at all? Think about that.

Will next year be any different than this year?

But first, how was your Christmas (or Hannukah for my Jewish friends)? Mine was really nice. My parents and I went to 4 pm mass on Christmas Eve. This picture is one that my friend Terry took before one of the Christmas masses…Fr Pat, before his homily, had called all of the kids to gather around the manger scene with him. He asked them some questions about the holiday and they answered them. One question was, “Whose birthday is today?” A little girl who was literally standing right in front of his lapel microphone proceeded to yell “My Daddy!” The whole church went up in laughter. It was just one of those priceless “kid” moments. Fr Pat later said that he never heard the church all laugh together that hard. One reason might have been that you never see the standing-room only crowds any other time of year than Christmas...

The open house I had was very nice—thanks to all of you who came. As predicted, it was a smaller crowd than last year, but we all still had a really nice time. Krista shared a story about my goddaughter, who, when watching a Christian kiddie Christmas show on TV was asked by the person on TV, “Who is the King of the Jews?” My goddaughter proceeded to say “Uncle Jarred” as her answer. Another hilarious kid moment (Jarred is her Jewish godfather).

On Christmas Day I went to Caroline’s open house (as I do each year). It was great to see her two boys (as well as the rest of her family!)

OK, so now we’re a few mere days away from 2007. I am a person who always looks forward to a fresh new year. Jarred always proclaims the new year the “Year of….” Many years, it has been the “Year of Jarred” (or YOJ) whether you knew that or not. In 2005, we had the “Year of Joy” (anotherYOJ). Many people in our circle got behind that movement. Around September of 2005, I granted a one-year extension on the Year of Joy so it would last all through 2006. That was an unprecedented move, but I got Jarred to agree. A couple months ago I told Jarred I wanted 2007 to be the Year of Positivity (yes, you guessed it—YOP).

One thing that I always do before the New Year is clean my house. I keep a clean house in general, but I mean business right before the new year. It’s a mental thing for me—I want to have all of my “junk” thrown out so that I can start the new year off with a “clean” slate.

It’s that way for me with my relationships too. It was in early 2006 that I left the lives of a couple of friends of mine. When I do that, it’s rarely because they treat me bad or they are mean or I don’t love them anymore. It’s usually because I do have love for them and I have realized that I am not able to be the kind of friend that they need, or that the relationship is no longer reciprocal or mutually beneficial and some selfishness on one or both of our parts have come into play. Sometimes you grow apart over time because you both change. Sometimes you can no longer support their decisions, so it’s easier to fade away and let them live their lives. Sometimes you wake up one day and realize you haven’t been “friends” in a very long time. I continue to pray for all of the friends who are no longer a part of my life.

I think one pair of my friends let me go this year as well. If they have, I accept that—it’s a part of life. God love them.

While I have let go of some people in 2006, I have gained other new, quality friends through my parish. Also, I have reestablished contact with some old friends—I saw Steph for the first time in over 5 years in 2006, I saw Trish’s home and family and “lived” with them for the first time in 2006. I also think I became better friends with my parents in 2006—our relationship is stronger and better than ever and I am grateful for that, especially as they get older.

I have been giving a lot of thought to what I want in 2007. I have been giving a lot of thought to what work I have to do to make these things a reality. I have been praying about them to try to discern if the things I want are the same things that God wants for me. Some of the changes I want to make are pretty subtle. Some others will take some more time and effort. My Lord will lead me, but, it’s important to remember (for ME to remember) that God helps those who help themselves. God can provide opportunity, God can open doors, God can lead us, but I still have to make things happen.

May God bless you all and keep you and yours safe, happy, and healthy, in the new year!


Shoshana said...

Happy New Year! I hope this one brings your dreams!

Jim said...

I was thinking the other day that i have 3 New Years. 1) As a teacher I have a new year in september 2) the church starts the new year with advent 3) the normal new years. And well i guess I have more then that even because I will say come March ok ok.. time to start a new year of my life .... SO many new beginings and so many endings in a one year time. makes me wonder what this year will bring...

CatholicLady said...

Happy new year everyone! A year of positivity, good things, and peaceful hearts for all!