Thursday, October 12, 2006

Trying to catch up...

I am so many stories behind in talking to you guys! I can’t believe that I am just now finally getting around to telling you guys about my visit to CT to visit LC and Darryl. Time flies and I have been running around a lot, but in a much more relaxed way than a few weeks ago, for sure!

So, I came home from Chicago at 12:30 AM on a Friday morning. I was off that day and rested up and then by 9am the next day I had to be at my first class for my diocesan certification in youth ministry. The class was from 9am to 3:30pm and then directly from class I drove to CT.

I got to see the usual cast of characters and I loved it. Over the many years that I have known and loved LC, I have met all of her family and dear friends, so know them all very well. Something that totally warms my heart is the fact that LC’s friend from high school, Andria ALWAYS makes sure she gets to see me when I go visit. She drives a distance (now that LC is in CT and not in NY anymore) to spend time with me and I am just always so touched by that.

I got a glimpse of their mean neighbor. I literally ducked when I saw her because I didn’t want to risk her identifying me with LC and Darryl and slashing my tires too. What a coward move on my part!

We went to see LC’s sister and brother-in-law, their little girl Daniella, and their brand-new baby girl, Gabriella. I love seeing babies when they are brand-new. It’s a shame because Robin does all the hard work of delivering these babies and both of the girls look exactly like her husband. That figures! There is hope though because I looked like my mom when I was little and now as an adult I look like my dad, so the girls can change!

On Sunday while I was there, LC took me to my very first Yankees game. I got to see Yankees stadium and it was perfect. It wasn’t too warm and no one who had tickets around us showed up so we weren’t crowded or anything. It was raining the whole time we drove there, but then the sun came out and it was beautiful. I have a certain baseline level of interest in sports, but this baseball game did exponentially renew my interest in Derek Jeter!

The game was great alone time for LC and I to chat. After the game we went to her parent’s house and they took us out to dinner. Now that she is married and no longer lives near her parents I rarely get to see them, so that was a huge treat.

I drove home on Monday morning after rush hour was over. A great trip all the way around.

Next time, I have to tell you guys all about the Nick Lachey concert!

Today is my dear daddy’s 59th birthday. Please say a prayer for him today that he have good health and happiness.

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