Friday, July 28, 2006

Nick Lachey...and my dad...

Is it more than just borderline pathetic that I have actually allowed myself to sit and wonder about the steps that would be needed for Nick Lachey and me to be able to get married?

I mean, if he gets an annulment (that's necessary in order for our marriage to be valid) and converts to Catholicism (I do hope my husband will be Catholic, although if it's God will for me to marry a non-Catholic then he obviously will show me why and how that can work out) our union is possible. He could even submit the DVDs of the Newlyweds show to the tribunal to use as evidence so the annulment can be granted.

Hey, a girl can have her crushes. Even grown up girls like me.

I am hoping to be able to see Nick at the Borgata in Atlantic City in October. Kathy has graciously agreed to go with me. I'll be sure to let you know if we're the oldest people in the audience, although, I doubt that will be the case. He's my age, after all...

Onto my dad, who is always hilarious. I told my dad that I wanted to see Nick Lachey at the Borgata and my dad said, 'Isn't he divorced?"

I replied, "Yes, but Dad, I'm not going to marry him (totally lying after admiting my master plan above)."

"Oh," said my Dad, as if all I had to do was say the word if I did want Nick Lachey to marry me and it would happen. My loving father thinks I am one of the most beautiful, intelligent, and funny women alive (next to my mother of course). If only every man felt that way!

Mom is home from the hospital and doing great--taking lots of naps but feeling good. Thank you all for your love and concern, my mom is really touched. My dad jokingly asked me to look up caregiver support groups online for him because he's been running around and running errands and taking care of mom. As if he would need a support group after only one day, I mean, let's give it a least a week before we go that route :)

I got a kind e-mail from my old pal John this week who has been reading the blog. He is requesting prayers for both of his parents' health, his sister's upcoming wedding, and a dear friend in PA. I'll be praying for them and I ask everyone to please pray over these requests as well. Lord, hear our prayer.

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