Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Mom is a tough bird...

"Stable as a rock" is how the surgeon described her. She came through her surgery like a champ. She's a very funny lady, my mom. Lots of times I think I am more like my dad and get my sense of humor from him, but other times I am not so sure. Some examples of her work from last night after she was brought back from recovery include:

She was brought to her room around 9pm and she said she was really tired. I told her that she should just let herself fall asleep then, since it was bedtime and all. She just looked at me and said, "Yeah, your bedtime!" (totally making fun of the fact that I go to bed very early during the work week!)

My father told her she looked good (meaning not worse for the wear after her surgery) and she answered, "It's because I'm so tan."

Glory and praise to God for my mother's successful surgery and for her continued healing!

Prayer requests for today: Thanksgiving to God for my mother's successful surgery and continued healing, and for the families my father and I encountered in the family waiting room at the hospital yesterday and the recovery of their loved ones.

1 comment:

CatholicLady said...

I am so happy to hear about the interviews!! Keep me posted. Those people would be have to be crazy to not hire you--I am praying!