Monday, February 26, 2007

One of my 2007 "improved living" goals

I saw my friend Michelle on Friday night and she shared with me her scrapbook from a trip to Italy in May, 2006. It made me so much more excited for my trip. Just looking at the pictures, hearing the stories, and seeing the colors and the sights made me wish the next 7 months would hurry up and fly by so that I could get there to see it all with my own eyes.

But then I realize that I need the next 7 months to get myself into fighting shape so I will be ready to really enjoy this trip to the fullest. I have set some modest weight loss goals and have finally gotten my lazy self back to some regular exercise. This is one reason why I am glad the trip is still off in the distance, so that I have time to actually make some realistic changes and see a good difference before we go.

Sadly, I have done this all before, so I know exactly what needs to be done, it’s simply a matter of making it happen. I say “sadly” because, yo-yoing my way through life is not something that’s good for anybody.

Here’s to consistent and healthful changes for the next 7 months and beyond so I can enjoy every moment in Italy to the fullest and enjoy good health to boot!

(Get it? “Boot?” Italy is shaped like a boot? Yes, I am corny and I love it!)

3 comments: said...

Hmmm, never been to Italy but hope to someday. Ever think of posting your weight loss / get in shape goals on


CatholicLady said...

No, this blog is as public as I plan to go!

CatholicLady said...

Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it and would love to hear your insights--we will definitely have to do this before the big trip (still several months away!)